Shops, Kiosks, Food Outlets, Restaurants, Hotel Apartments, Penthouses and Residential Apartments are available on 4 years easy installments. There will be a 30% down payment of total price and 10% of total price will be paid at the time of possession. While remaining amount will be divided into 48 equal monthly installments.
There are shops of different sizes & location.
The rate of shop on Lower Ground Floor is Rs: 35,000/square foot. The sizes of shops are from 172 to 903 square feet. The Price vary from Rs: 59,24,444 to 90,30,000.
Ground Floor Price is Rs: 43,000/square foot. The sizes of shops vary from 161 to 2,007 square feet. The prices are from Rs: 67,97,778 to 8,69,70,000.
Ground Floor-2 Price is Rs: 40,000/square foot. The sizes of shops vary from 172 to 1,852 square feet. The prices are from Rs: 68,80,000 to 6,58,48,889.
Ground Floor-3 Price is Rs: 47,800/square foot. The sizes of shops vary from 172 to 1,852 square feet. The prices are from Rs: 82,17,778 to 7,61,37,778.
First Floor Food Outlets` Price is Rs: 30,700/square foot. The sizes of shops vary from 212 to 2,395 square feet. The prices are from Rs: 65,02,222 to 7,71,72,222.
Second Floor Restaurants` Price is Rs: 22,600/square foot. The sizes of shops vary from 1,472 to 1,745 square feet. The prices are from Rs: 4,90,66,667 to 5,81,66,667.
Hotel Apartments are available on 2nd to 7th floor. The price is Rs: 18,150/square foot. The sizes of apartments vary from 336 to 792 square feet. The prices are from Rs: 18,30,000 to 1,43,44,000.
Studio, 1 Bed, 2 Bed & 3 Bed Residential Apartments are on 2nd to 7th floor. The price is Rs: 7,500/square foot. The sizes of apartments vary from 970 to 2,062 square feet. The prices are from Rs: 33,52,778 to 1,46,17,639.
Split Level Penthouses are on 6th and 7th floor. The price is Rs: 10,000/square foot. The sizes of penthouses vary from 4,146 to 5,300 square feet. The prices are from Rs: 4,05,06,667 to 5,33,33,333.
Note: Kiosks, Studio & 3 Bed Apartments are sold out.